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Friday, December 7, 2012

Nick Fener "Get Busy Living"

Fener’s Fiercely Facing Fears Friday

Nick Fener may be a man who lost his legs, but what he does not lack is will, determination, or fortitude. I met Nick this past summer, it was a warm sunny day in southern California, he was swimming in the pool, allowing his body to move freely through the water, floating, as he once did as a skydiving instructor floating through the air.

On May 20, 2011 Nick’s life was forever changed, his parachute collapsed 70-100 feet above the ground, he hit the ground with such severe impact he lost both of his legs. He also lost function and mobility while injuring his spinal chord. Nick underwent a thirteen- hour spine surgery, and was in a drug-induced coma for eight days.

Nick easily could have given up, and resigned to the fact he would never live a “real-life” again, however he had a positive outlook, and with the support of his family and friends he began to take the steps necessary to live his best life.

Once a professional athlete, his motto was, “I’m either working hard or playing hard.” His new motto was “get busy living”

With will, determination, and fortitude, less than two years after his life altering accident, Nick will skydive again, this Saturday!!!  Please check out his journey at The Nick Fener Project on Facebook, or follow his journey of recovery at  blog

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Live Inspired, Kate Does!!!

I am so blessed to meet some really wonderful people through life. One of them is Kate, she writes for I wanted to learn more about her and though I would share!!!!!

After debating for approximately 4 minutes, I decided that the best way to start this post off was with a little introduction.

My name is Kate and I like to think of myself as the nonconventional inspirational blogger. When most people think, “inspirational blogger” they think rainbows, butterflies, and pastel colored pantsuits but I’ll tell you what - That’s definitely not me.

I have a giant mess of curly hair, a nose ring, and little idea of what I’m doing in life.

No, but seriously... I don’t...

I don’t have all of the answers and I don’t pretend to; however, I do know that I’m doing what I love, I’m taking things a day at a time, and I’m smiling through all of the chaos.

I started Live Inspired a few years ago when I decided to up and move to Nashville, TN. It was a quick decision I made after graduating from a university in Michigan and it was one of the best choices I’ve ever made.

I made the decision to move to the south with someone I didn’t really know, without a job, and with VERY little time (cough cough ONE DAY cough cough) to find an apartment.

Sound irresponsible?

Well, it was... but that’s how I knew I could put on my big girl pants, step outside of my comfort zone, and ‘make it’ on my own.

After moving, I created this blog as a way to connect with friends and family back in Michigan but to my surprise, it turned out to be more for myself than for them.

I found myself reflecting on the choices I made during the day, who I met/what they meant to me, and even more, I could literally see (errr... read) myself growing as a person before my very own eyes.

I discovered that writing was my passion and by just expressing myself and my personal experiences, I was able to connect to strangers who could actually relate. I quickly found that I wasn’t alone as I was stumbling through the days, trying to figure it all out. Turns out - None of us got a handbook of how to navigate this crazy thing called life! ;)

By running at full speed outside of my comfort zone, I was able to see the world through new eyes.

I found that sometimes, you just need to go. You need to get outside of your routine, everything you know, and just experience something new for the sake of experiencing.

I found out that talking to a complete stranger isn’t really any different than talking to a friend. You know how to string together words to form sentences. You know that saying, “Hello” won’t actually kill you. You know that they might say, “hi” back and then walk away but that’s FINE. Strike up a conversation with a stranger, you never know what could happen.

I found out that you need to do what you love, everyday, merely for the sake of doing it. We get so caught up in the every day chaos of life and that sometimes we forget to put our happiness up there on the list of extremely important things.

Follow your heart, find something your passionate about, and then just do it.

For me, after moving away and starting again, I found that I love writing. I love putting my thoughts and emotions out there for those people who stumble upon my blog. I love that moment where someone messages me just to say that they understand or that my words helped them get through this, this, or that.

To my surprise, I found out that Live Inspired is my very own handbook to life; however, instead of reading where to go, I use it to see how far I’ve come. It’s not just for my readers, it’s for me too.

As you can see, I’m not a stereotypical inspirational blogger. No, I’m just like you... Except I’m silly enough to put myself out there for the world to read about. ;)

Monday, December 3, 2012

Asian Slaw with Ginger-Peanut Dressing

My adaption from a recipe I found on Pinterest!

The Dressing:

1/4 Cup Organic Honey
1/4 Cup Olive Oil
1/4 Cup Rice Vinegar
1Tbs Soy Sauce
1Tbs Peanut Butter
1tsp Sriracha Sauce
1Tbs minced ginger
1 garlic clove

Mix all the above ingredients together until the peanut butter is blended.

The Salad:

4 Cups shredded coleslaw (I used broccoli slaw)
2 Cups shredded carrots
1 red bell pepper sliced thin
1/2 Cup diced green onions
1/2 cup unsalted peanuts
1/2 cup cilantro

I mixed the salad ingredients together and then topped with the dressing, shaking until the entire salad was coated. A great change to my usual salads!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Birthday Body Blast !

35 Reps of Each exercise!!!! My time was 8:08, I challenge you and post your time!!!!!

35 Jumping Jacks
35 High Knees
35 Jump Squats
35 Floor Runners
35 Burpees
35 Jump Lunges
35 Toe Touches
35 Knee Tucks

Learning To Love Yourself and #Createjoy

It's My BIRTHDAY!!!! How I Learned To Create Joy and Love Myself!!

My life has been a roller coaster of emotions over the past three years.  I am on the other side of the darkness now, and would not take any of the trials or struggles back, they have made me who I am today! I hope I, at: ,am able to help you create joy in your life through: Positivity, Nutrition, Fitness, and Fortitude!!!!! I am a living breathing example, that you cannot have one part without the other!!! You cannot be 100% fitness and expect results, there are many other factors that must be looked at. I am here for you to help you achieve your goals!!! Here are some quick tips to help you live your best life!!!!!!


1. You must learn to ♥ yourself or you cannot ♥ others.
2. Love A LOT!!!!
3. Be your own warrior, fight for yourself! You are worth it!
4. You have no control, learn to let life evolve, go with it!
5. Loving someone and having them love you back unconditionally is an amazing gift!
6. There is no doubt you can become what ever you want to be, even in mid-life.
7. F-E-A-R is a four-letter word you create in your own mind.
8. Haters are going to hate regardless of what you do!
9. Learn to please yourself!
10. Create your own joy, do not wait for someone else to create it for you! #createjoy
11. It is ok to say, "NO!"
12. Multitasking is a wonderful skill to have! (especially as a mom)
13. Multitasking can also have a negative reaction if you do not learn to use it properly.
14. You can pick-up the pieces and move on, "Tough times don't last, TOUGH people do!"
15. The ♥ your dogs give you can #createjoy
16. Finding a soulmate is life changing! ♥ ♥ ♥ 4484
17. Feeing loved unconditionally, for who you are, is freeing.
18. Love often, do not be afraid to show it!!!!
19. Do not take one day for granted! Live EACH moment!!!!
20. Surround yourself with positive people who want to lift you higher and make you a better person!
21. Learn to "really" play with your kids! They are only kids 1x! Teach them how to be an awesome person in life! It's your job!!!
22. Meditation can #createjoy!
23. It is ok to be still!!
24. God's Grace is sufficient for you!
25. You can live without fast food.
26. You can grow your own food, no matter where you live!
27. You will not implode if you are a minute late, slow down enjoy the ride!
28. It is ok to have dreams so big they appear impossible!
29. It is ok to sit on the couch, in comfy clothes, on a Friday Night!
30. Choose your friends wisely, and walk away when necessary.
31. Learn to make a few GREAT dishes!!
32. When someone crosses your mind, send them a text in that moment, do not wait!
33. Learn to live life on your terms, not for anyone else.
34. Live in the "NOW"
35. Celebrate even the tiniest of occasions, you never know when it will be your last!

This was my no equipment workout this week, I did each exercise 35x!!!  35 Birthday Exercises to do with NO equipment!!!

1. Jump Squats
2. Push-ups
3. Floor runners
4. V- ups
5. Knee Tucks
6. Skaters
7. Butt Blaster
8. Burpee
9. High Knees
10. Butt Kickers
11. Lunges
12. Calf Raises
13. Squats
14. Front Kicks
15. Crunches
16. Muay Thai Sit-ups
17. Air Hooks
18. Air Upper-cuts
19. Air Jabs
20. Invisible Jump Rope
21. Dips
22. Elvis
23. Line Hops
24. 15 yrd Sprints
25. Shuttle runs
26. Bear Crawl
27. Crab Walk
28. Long Jump
29. Pulse Lunges
30. Mt. Climbers
31. Round house kick
32. Diamond Push-ups
33. Planks
34. Plank Hip twist
35. Scissor Drops

My 35 Birthday HEALTHY FOODS I ♥ .   (In no particular order)

1. RED Cabbage (my #1)
2. Almond Milk
3. Lacinto Kale
4. Parsley
5. Celery
6. Lemon
7. Lime
8. Artic Zone !! YUM
9. Peppers (all kinds)
10. Kale
11. Jalepenos
12. Green Onion
13. Young coconut
14. Apples
15. Blueberries
16. Strawberries (w chocolate even better)
17. Tomatoes
18. Cilantro
19. Garlic
20. Cucumber
21. Arugula (sometimes I cannot get enough)
22. Swiss Chard
23. Stevia
24. Beet Juice (not beets)
25. Green Tea
26. Coffee (need at least 1)
27. Spinach
28. Dandelion Greens
29. Coconut Oil
30. Organic Rice Cakes
31. ALMOND BUTTER (need I say more)
32. Honey (Dr Mary O's)
33. Carrots (NEVER steamed, sorry Mom)
34. Wheat Grass
35. Rivita Crackers

Doing for others is the best birthday gift I can receive!!!! Be KIND, LOVING, UNDERSTANDING, and BEAUTIFUL to others!!!!!!

Thankful For My Year Of Growth


     It was around this time last year when I was emotionally broken and beat down. I was suffering from extreme depression and thought I had no way out. Day after day, I struggled silently because I did not want others to see me broken, I was afraid to be judged, and had no motivation for change.

     I went on a vacation with my carefree sister in law; she is one of those women who is upbeat, and bubbly even when she is facing a hard situation. We traveled to Eastern Oregon, to her old stomping grounds. The air was crisp and cool this time of year the leaves were beautiful hues of red, yellow and orange, a far cry from the “greenness” of Southern California. Just seeing the vibrant colors took my mind to a happy place, back in my childhood, I could instantly remember the beautiful fall season growing up in the state of Virginia.

     My Sister-n-law, took me to an art studio, located on the outskirts of town, and I met a man, who created beautiful paintings of Dogs. While touring the studio, co-owned by his sculpture wife, he told me a story about how he recently quit his “real” job, due to intense pressure and stress his boss had placed on him. As he spoke I saw the joy, calmness and a peace about him.  He spoke so highly of his life now that he was free and no longer subjected to the unwanted pressure and stress of others.

    His words,  began the mental change I had struggled to find. I realized it was ok, to just be ok. I did not have to suffer and place myself back into a stressful, negative, backstabbing world if I did not want to. It was ok, to not fall into societies trap of having to have a six -figure salary, and exist without the closeness of your family, due to the long hours at work, and demand for climbing the corporate ladder. I would find a way to finically survive, and I could climb the ladder in my own home, where my work (will one day, maybe when kids are 25 :)) will be appreciated by those I love. I could invest 45-50 hours a week, encouraging, helping, and motivating my own family, teaching them the skills needed to be a productive member of society, creating joy, giving, and love.
    When I returned home form this trip, I made the decision to change my life. I no longer had to subject myself to a negative, stressful environment. I knew God, would provide and help me survive. I began to take the steps necessary to heal myself. I enrolled in a nutrition course to further my knowledge, to help me heal myself. I realized I was the only one who could heal me, and I need to talk the steps to start healing.  I became certified in personal training, I surrounded myself with positive people who wanted to lift me up and make me a better person, and I removed myself from my place of employment.

     I am thankful I learned techniques and recipes to heal my body and mind from the inside out. Applying what I learned to my daily life, changed my thinking and my moods. Exercising for pleasure not for “body image” lifted a weight I had carried for years.
    I am so blessed and thankful for my husband Brian. We were given more than some could have handled, and it has completely changed our relationship. We are now able to have God as the center of our marriage, and it has changed our connection with each other. We have learned how to really talk to one another, in a kind and loving manner. The real “us” has been revealed.

     I am thankful to have some amazing friends and family surrounding me. Without them there is no way I could have made a change in my life so quickly.  Surrounding yourself with people who build you up, are honest, and loving ,makes such a difference in life.

     Far too long I was emotionally sheltered letting few people in because I was afraid of being judged. Opening myself up, being raw and exposed has changed everything. People will still judge, however, I no longer allow it to effect my mood and stability. I am who I am!!!

     I am so thankful for Facebook, I have had the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people, and surround myself with women and men who value positivity like I do, I have learned to live a more peaceful life with the value in family and friends.

      Just a day of Thanks from this Girl to you! I hope whereever you are in life you are able to create the change necessary to live YOUR best life.